The usage of cryptography becomes necessary with the requirement for security of communications and data in the modern digital world. This article will explain the different cryptographic techniques and protocols: digital signatures, message authentication codes (MAC), HMAC, Public key infrastructure-PKI,… Read More "Cryptography Implementation"
Overview of Cryptographic Attacks
Cryptographic attacks are methods or techniques by which an intruder exploits the cryptographic system’s weakness to derive the plaintext from the ciphertext, recover the encryption keys, or violate the integrity of the data. Understanding cryptographic attacks is important in the… Read More "Overview of Cryptographic Attacks"
Cryptography and its type
Cryptography is the science of making communication and data secure from unauthorized access and alteration. It finds vital applications in sensitive information protection, ranging from online banking to secure messaging. This paper will explain in sufficient detail symmetric encryption, asymmetric… Read More "Cryptography and its type"
Cryptographic Concepts
Cryptography, therefore, is a backbone of modern cybersecurity and a means of secure communication and data protection in an increasingly digital world. In this article, critical cryptographic concepts will be outlined, including confidentiality, integrity, authentication, non-repudiation, confusion, diffusion, substitution, permutation,… Read More "Cryptographic Concepts"